Contact Us

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Or Simply Call us 478-348-6555

1542 Francis Bridge Rd
Davisboro, GA, 31018


We are a non profit youth home for boys 16 - 21 years old serving Georgia's at risk youth. We teach GED as well as a wide array of Vocational skills to our youth to help give them the skills to become successful & productive members of our communities.  

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Transitional Living Programs

 We have two Transitional Living Programs: The Omega House in Augusta, GA and The Joseph House in Statesboro, GA.  Both of these programs are designed for BSR graduates who need additional help & support to successfully reach independence.   These programs are managed by a house parent who's trained with on the Broken Shackle Ranch campus.  Residents of these programs can secure jobs and attend secondary educational opportunities at the many technical colleges & universities in these areas.   Residents will be involved in Life Enrichment groups & counseling, community outreach programs, and many employment networking situations.